Light Bringer (Red Rising saga: Book 6) – Pierce Brown

If we demand restitution for all the evils that have been done to us, there will be no end to this war. It will consume us and the people we claim to lead. The future is more important than our wounds… The purpose of war must not be vengeance. It cannot be to kill your enemies until none are left. That is barbarism. That’s how Earth and its multitude of nations strangled itself… The purpose of war must be to find the road back to peace.

The penultimate book of the saga puts again Darrow at the center of the Red Rising, this time fighting in the distant Rim to find allies for the losing battle on Mars. The book is presented from several point of views, following different characters, but ultimately tracing the protagonist’s adventures.

Once again, the author, Pierce Brown, created a believable plot with unexpected turns, memorable characters and an immersing world, with beautiful prose and dialogues. It is a very long book, but the reader, particularly the fans, do not feel bored at any moment. No description or dialogues feel superfluous. While being the 6th book in the series, the book can be read as a standalone.

What stands apart for Red Rising saga is the masterful plot and story-line: the characters make plans and take rational decisions, well explained by the author. The world is big and not resumed to a few main characters. There is imperfect information than the protagonists must accept in taking the decisions. Some situations have only bad solutions, and there is no magic to save the day.

The beautiful prose, excellent editing and well-thought motivations of characters make the reading very fluid and engaging. The vocabulary used is pertinent and novel, and the dialogues or descriptions do not look dragged out. The author masterfully finds the balance between giving enough text to explain a situation or a scene, but not too much to make it tedious.

The saga is truly captivating, once the reader accepts early on the world building: a human Society that expanded across our solar system, based on a pyramid of power, where the different layers are genetically engineered to do their jobs, without the possibility of social mobility between social classes. The Golds will always rule and the Browns will always be janitors. The Reds, at the base of the pyramid, are the lowest of the workers. However, the injustice and the keen observation that the human civilization stagnated in this socioeconomic organization ignite a revolution, started by a few Golds with a sense of justice, but really supported by many talents from the other social classes. Here comes Darrow, a Red transformed in a Gold, that has the talent to start the revolution and upturn the Society.

The range of characters and their deep motivations make many readers to invest emotionally in them: from the fiery Virginia that has to be more calculating and cold as a Sovereign of the Republic, to Sevro, a family man that has to fight dirty to ensure his family’s survival.

A beautiful saga, with an unpredictable plot, great actions scenes, characters with deep motivations, superb storytelling and thoughtful dialogues.

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